I'm glad I went. What an incredible show. Despite the mass of sweaty bodies next to me, getting my foot stepped on, having a drink spilled on my shoe and losing my two friends from the people who somehow got in between us, the show blew my mind away. I had always wondered what seeing Animal Collective live would be like, and it was beyond what my wildest imagination could have conceived.
From the crowds singing along and jumping and putting their own mark on the song, to just having a grand time dancing along, Animal Collective was able to take the audience on this wild ride with them. Even when they lost power for a few minutes, the band got back on their feet and continued their electrofantabulastic show.
So for everyone who is over 21 and in Lexington, I highly recommend going out to the Dame tonight to see them perform. You won't regret the $15 the show cost. For a mere $15 you'll be taken to a whole new place, where people raise their fists together and sing about who could win a rabbit.
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