I'm not going to lie, though. I've seen a lot of interesting places, met a lot of diverse and unique people and have driven nearly 1000 miles. But overall, with the concentration of this summer (or at least, coming into it) being photojournalism, it feels as thought I haven't really made any advances forward. I've remained pretty consistent, getting the same pictures, just in different situations. Maybe I'm wasting the opportunities that are out there (ie: I've only been on one assignment with my "buddy", David Stephenson) or maybe I'm not that great a photographer. Either way, going over my pictures, despite the multiple centerpieces I've had, I still don't feel like I've taken any one great picture.
But to prove that I haven't been loafing around all the much, here's a few pictures from this summer thus far...

Also, to prove that I actually take pictures of other things and have friends, here's a photo from last Saturday:
time for an update kid.
i think you just found yourself another dedicated reader.
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