Monday, September 03, 2007

turns out i was a vampire myself in the devil town

After what was an exhausting and ridiculous weekend, I returned home with a few goals in mind:

1) spend some quality time with the family
2) find a new dress and dark pants
3) buy a new messenger bag

Luckily I accomplished all of them. Unfortunately during the process I was able to deplete my bank account, which is major lamecakes because it enforces the fact that I can't save up money no matter how hard I try. While I didn't need a new dress and pants, I was getting tired of what I was wearing. And yeah, I did need a new bag. I had outgrew my backpack two years ago. Finally, I found something that suited everything I needed.

While I was home I introduced my mom to Friday Night Lights. She is in love. Not only does it remind her of home, but she said that it's just so inspiring.

During one of the scenes a cover of Daniel Johnston's "Devil Town" plays. I don't think Bright Eyes is the band who covers the song, but it's all I could find. And it's beautiful. I've never been a huge Bright Eyes fan, but I've gotta hand it to Conner Oberst: this kid knows what he's doing.

Bright Eyes::Devil Town

If say, your speakers are broken, remind me to play the song for you when you come over to watch Friday Night Lights. Which better be soon. As in this week.

In other news, I've dropped my coarse load and I feel like a complete and utter slacker. For some reason I'm just not as motivated this semester, which is pathetic. I'm not burnt out, but I'm just not feeling it. I'm hoping sometime during this semester I'll recover that burning drive I had as a freshman. That drive to succeed, to do well and do things right.

I get to see Texas in less than two weeks. The more I think about it, the more I feel like that's where I'm supposed to be. Austin always feels like home and there's something about Texas...the grandness and greatness and overall sense of pride that you don't get anywhere else.

Another Friday Night Lights clip is necessary:

1 comment:

Brad said...

We talked about watching it Thursday but that's movie night at the Kernel.